Sunday 22 April 2012

I Crave Omelette, I Get Omelette!

Today on my way to church, I keep blabbing out all the food I crave to my mum. Then after church, the list continues then I thought of something that she can easily make for me. AN OMELETTE. Every household has eggs as one of their kitchen necessities so my craving for an omelette can be easily satisfied. As soon as we got home, I went to my room and as usual, I turned on my laptop and did all sort of social networking bladiba. A couple of minutes later I hear my mum calling my name, 'Maiko Maiko luto na ulam!' (Maiko, Maiko food is ready). I went to the kitchen immediately and I saw the pan with a massive seafood concoction omelette! Then my mum goes to me 'You crave omelette, you get omelette!' Ahhhh there goes my shock face! But the twinkle in my eyes was also present. 
Holding a massive seafood concoction omelette in a pan!
Yummy seafood concoction omelette! Thanks to mama dear :)
With crab sticks, shrimp and red onions
Help yourselves! Yes we nearly finished the whole lot!
(Mama & I since kuya doesn't like seafood and daddy's at work) 
Truly enjoyed this omelette! I love seafood, I love eggs! What else can I ask for? CRAVING HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Happy tummy, blessed Sunday! :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW, I've never had a seafood omelette before, but that's FANTASTIC!!! It's so full. I'd have to give it a try myself. Seafood can get expensive, though :/

    ~ Anne
